Rosewater is birthed from one of the most gorgeous and fragrant blossoms on the planet, but that heavenly smell isn't the only reason that we add it to our products. The pH of rosewater is an ideal match for our skin's acidity, making it an imperative piece of our recipes.  But why is pH important?

To start with, we need to look at our skin not as barrier between us and the outside world, but as a transportation center. The acid mantle (also called hydro-lipid film) of our skin allows our cells to do this job. 

This amazing acid mantle does so many things!! 1) It protects us from environmental dangers. Without a healthy acid mantle, skin cannot fight off bacteria or fungi effectively. 2) The enzymes secreted there break down excess sebum (which bacteria love to snack on!) 3) It keeps skin properly hydrated so that it feels soft and supple, free of cracks and scrapes. 4) It can prevent viruses and bacteria from entering the blood stream. 5) The immune system is boosted, creating antigens, which fight the growth of nasty bacteria!

The acid mantle is made up of an a delicate cocktail of water, lactic acid, urocanic acid, fatty acids that create sebum, pyrrolidine carboxylic acid, and ecrine glands that secrete amino acids. The pH level of this mixture needs to fall between 4.5 and 6.5 or skin becomes permeable to microorganisms, like bacteria, harsh chemical, and pollutants. A funky pH level also throws off your skins ability to absorb all of the amazing, beneficial substances in the butters and oils that our products are made up of!!! 

The bad news is that showers, especially if you use soap (or a shampoo that runs down your body), you are heavily affecting your acid mantle. The ideal pH of water is 7, so just a rinse will throw off your skin. 

The good news? Rosewater to the rescue!!! Rosewater has a pH of 5.5. A match made in Heaven. Utilizing rosewater in our products (and the rest of your beauty routine!), allows your body to protect against the dangers of the environment while absorbing all of the beautiful chemical compounds in our body products that will help your cells function even better! This leaves you with more connective tissue, healthier skin cells, and proper hydration for firm, gorgeous skin!

Absorbing the body products better also changes the look of the product on your body. Our products will leave you glowing and supple, rather than greasy and heavy.

Hooray for rosewater!!!!





Sources and additional reading:

The Soapmaker's Companion: A comprehensive Guide WITH Recipes, Techniques & Know-how, by Susan Cavitch. 1997. (I found it on Kindle)